I wanted to show you all my latest kit first...Sarai.
This kit is inspired by yet another woman of the bible. The wife of Abram. Before they were known as Abraham and Sarah, they were Abram and Sarai. Although her beauty does not define her in the bible, Sarah was a beautiful woman. We know this because Abraham, in fear for his life, tells kings of the countries he is passing through that Sarah is his sister (not entirely a lie!!) so that his life will be spared. He is in fear that when the kings see Sarah, they will will kill him to have her. Besides being beautiful, Abrahm and Sarah are very wealthy. They have so many possessions that he and his nephew Lot split up so there will be no arguing among themselves and their followers about whose is whose and so on. What more could Sarah want? The only thing she doesn't have, a child and an heir to Abraham. Even though God tells Abraham his offspring will be too numerous to count, Sarah has doubts that she will be the one to fulfill this plan. She gives her servant to Abraham so she may bear him a child. Even though this plan works, it is not Gods plan. Through all of her hope and doubts, in their old age, the Lord blesses her and Abraham with a son, Issac. Gods timing is perfect. He uses his timing to his glory. Talk about a testimony! This wealthy, beautiful woman goes all of her life barren, desperate for a child heir and when she is old and past child bearing age, here comes Issac! Another fabulous story from the bible!
I love the rich colors of this kit. It came together beautifully. I see Sarah as beautiful, wealthy, hopeful and doubtful at the same time and very understated. I hope you like it! You can find it in my store at Scrap it Sassy on sale through the end of December. Go to the bottom of the post for a free matching alpha!!

I have also released Mary!
Mary, the mother of our Savior, needs little introduction! What an incredible joy and burden to be chosen for this task! This young lady, engaged to Joseph, was chosen to carry the Christ child. Of course God knows what he is doing, but imagine the scandal. Joseph must have been hurt and upset because he had in mind to break off the engagement, or divorce her. Engagement was as good as being married in those days. But he also loved her because he was planning to do it quietly for Mary's sake. She could have been stoned to death for such an offence. God spoke to Joseph through a dream and he decided to stick it out! Even after Jesus was born and that scandal had passed, I wonder what it would be like to be the mother of Jesus? What would it be like to raise him? When he was a grown man and ready to show the world who he was, Mary must have been filled with pride and torment. Seeing the wonderful person he was, knowing that he was her son, yet seeing all the rejection he was facing. It had to tear at her heart strings. She had known all along who he was, but he was also her son. To see him crucified must have ripped her apart. Jesus knew this and so he asked John to care for her. Marys joy and her burden were all wrapped up in her son Jesus. What a privilege.
Here is the Mary kit ... soft with a bit of harshness to it. You can find it in my store at Scrap it Sassy.

I have also been busy with lots of CU goodies. Find them all in my store!

Below is the free alpha that coordinates with the Sarai kit. Enjoy. I would love to see your creations. Find it HERE.